High School and Middle School Ministries
laughter, joy, and grace.
Who are we?
We are middle and high school young adults, getting together to explore Christianity.
Our discussions are tailored to today’s issues and how to be a witness where we are at with a focus on deepening our faith.
Seeking Christ, we are a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world!
Synergy Youth Group is blessed with a young group of teens who love to learn about God, His word, and share in fellowship with one another. James 1:2 says, "My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy." We are filled with joy because we know you are a faithful community and are praying for our ministry. We ask for continued prayers as we begin planning our first mission project of the year and continue learning about this thing we call faith and what it means to each of us!
Join us on Sunday at 5 PM at the church for our teen ministry!